Freedom Scientific and Optelec Join Forces in Assistive Technology Merger November 16, 2015
Freedom Scientific Releases JAWS 17 October 29, 2015 - Smart Navigation, Scripting for Web Pages and Web Apps, and Liblouis Braille Translator
Freedom Scientific Introduces ONYX Portable HD October 01, 2015 - A Collapsible 3-in-1 Camera for Document Reading, Distance Viewing, and Self-View
JAWS 16 and MAGic 13 Are Windows 10 Ready July 28, 2015
Freedom Scientific Introduces MAGic Certification Program June 30, 2015
JAWS 90-Day License Now Includes MAGic Screen Magnification June 10, 2015
National Federation of the Blind to Distribute JAWS® Training Bundle on an NLS Cartridge April 22, 2015
ABiSee Joins Freedom Scientific to Develop Global Blindness and Low Vision Solutions March 31, 2015
Freedom Scientific Releases Version 13 of MAGic Screen Magnification Software March 26, 2015 - Now with Support for Windows 8.1
TOPAZ PHD Released January 29, 2015 - A Desktop Video Magnifier with the Portability of a Laptop
A 90-day License of JAWS for Windows is Now Available December 15, 2014
Freedom Scientific Releases JAWS 16 October 28, 2014 - Support for MathML, JAWS Command Search, and Enhanced Convenient OCR for PDF
Fall 2014 Accessibility Showcase in Washington, D.C., Hosted by Freedom Scientific October 23, 2014
Freedom Scientific Announces Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) Membership August 20, 2014
Freedom Scientific Announced New Website July 09, 2014