Trademark Information
The name Freedom Scientific and the names of Freedom Scientific products are protected by trademarks or registered trademarks. These marks are to be applied on first use of the company or product name:
BrailleIn™. One word. The B and I are capped. See JAWS BrailleIn™.
Braille Lite notetaker. No trademark. Two words. The uncapped word "notetaker" should be used on first reference. Note the spelling of "Lite." Also note that "notetaker" is a single word.
Braille 'n Speak notetaker. No trademark. Three words. The uncapped word "notetaker" should be used on first reference. Notetaker is one word. The letter N is not capped and is preceded with an apostrophe.
ElBraille® portable Braille solution. One word. The E and B are capped. The words portable Braille solution are not part of the legal name.
EyeMerge®. See MAGic® EyeMerge®
Eye-Pal®. One word with dash. The E and the P are capped. Registered symbol after “Pal” in all product names (with one exception for Eye-Pal SOLO, which holds a TM (trademark) symbol instead – see that entry for details).
Eye-Pal® Ace portable scanner and reader. Eye-Pal is one word with dash. Ace is a separate word. The E, P, and A are capped. The registered symbol appears after “Pal.” The words portable scanner and reader are not part of the legal name.Eye-Pal® Ace Plus portable scanner and reader. Eye-Pal is one word with dash. Ace and Plus are separate words. The E, P, A, and P are capped. The registered symbol appears after “Pal.” The words portable scanner and reader are not part of the legal name.
Eye-Pal® Reader scanning and reading appliance. Eye-Pal is one word with dash. Reader is a separate word. The E, P, and R are capped. The registered symbol appears after “Pal.” The words scanning and reading appliance are not part of the legal name.
Eye-Pal® ROL portable scanner and reader. Eye-Pal is one word with dash. The E and the P are capped. ROL is a separate word all capped. The registered symbol appears after “Pal.” ROL stands for Read Out Loud. The words portable scanner and reader are not part of the legal name.
Eye-Pal SOLO™ scanning and reading appliance. One word with dash. The E and the P are capped. SOLO is a separate word all capped. The trademark symbol appears after SOLO. The words scanning and reading appliance are not part of the legal name.
Eye-Pal® Vision scanning and reading appliance. Eye-Pal is one word with dash. Vision is a separate word. The E, P, and V are capped. The registered symbol appears after “Pal.” The words scanning and reading appliance are not part of the legal name.
FaceToFace™ deaf-blind communication solution. One word. The F, T, and F are capped. The phrase deaf-blind communication solution is not part of the legal name.
Focus Braille displays, Classic Focus 40 Blue Braille display, Focus 40 Blue Braille display, Focus 80 Blue Braille display, and Focus 14 Blue Braille display. No trademark. The word Braille is a proper noun and is capped. The words Braille displays should be used on first reference.
Freedom Scientific®. Two words. Freedom Scientific is an incorporated entity. Thus, it is: Freedom Scientific®, Inc. It is not Freedom Scientific LLC.
Freedom Scientific® Learning Systems Group. Use the entire division name on first reference. Thereafter, if necessary, you may use the acronym, LSG. Note that the use of the word "group" after the acronym is redundant, so don't use it.
FSCommander™ remote control PAC Mate accessory. One word. The F, S, and C are capped. The phrase remote control PAC Mate accessory is not part of the legal name
FSReader™ DAISY player. One word. The F, S, and R are capped. The words DAISY player should be used on first reference. All letters in DAISY are capped as an acronym for Digital Accessible Information SYstem.
FSTTY deaf-blind telecommunications solution. No trademark. One word. All letters are capped. The words deaf-blind telecommunications solution are not part of the legal name, but should be used on first reference.
Fusion™. One word. Capital F.
GEM® image management software. GEM is all caps.
JAWS® screen reading software. JAWS is an acronym for Job Access With Speech. All letters of the acronym are capped. The words screen reading software are not part of the legal name, but should be used on first reference.
Also registered as:
JAWS for Windows® screen reading software. Three words. All letters in JAWS are capped. The W in Windows is capped. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft® and is used with permission. Both registration marks must be used on first reference. The words screen reading software should be used on first reference.
JAWS® BrailleIn™. JAWS is all capped. The B and I are capped. Trademark symbol after BrailleIn. On second reference, use only BrailleIn.
JAWS® Tandem™. JAWS is all capped. The T is capped. Trademark symbol after Tandem.
MAGic® screen magnification software. MAG is capped; ic is not. The words screen magnification software are not part of the legal name, but should be used on first reference.
MAGic® EyeMerge®. EyeMerge is a feature of MAGic screen magnification software. The name EyeMerge must be preceded by MAGic. EyeMerge is one word. The E and M in EyeMerge are capped. The ® marks are placed after both MAGic and EyeMerge.
MAGic® Large Print Keyboard. MAG is capped; ic is not. The trademark designation goes after MAGic. The first letters of Large Print Keyboard are part of the legal name and should be capped.
MAGic® Pro Scripting Edition. The trademark designation goes after MAGic, not after Edition. The first letters of Pro Scripting Edition should be capped.
omniReader® portable scanning and reading solution. omniReader is one word. The letter o is lowercase. The first letter R is uppercase. The second letter r is lowercase. The registered trademark symbol follows the name omniReader. The words portable scanning and reading solution are not part of the legal name, but should be used on first reference.
ONYX®. The family name for the products. All letters are capped. The trademark designation must be used on first reference.
ONYX® Deskset HD portable video magnifier. ONYX is capped. The trademark symbol goes after ONYX, not after Deskset or HD The words portable video magnifier are not part of the legal name, but should be used on first reference.
ONYX® Flexible-arm multiple view magnification camera. The F in Flexible is capped; the a in arm is not. A dash is required between Flexible and arm. The trademark symbol goes after ONYX, not after arm. The words multiple-view magnification camera are not part of the legal name.
ONYX® Flexible-arm PC Edition multiple view magnification camera. See style conventions above. The words multiple-view magnification camera are not part of the legal name.
ONYX® OCR portable video magnifier. ONYX is capped. The trademark symbol goes after ONYX, not after OCR. The words portable video magnifier are not part of the legal name, but should be used on first reference.
ONYX® Portable HD portable video magnifier. ONYX is capped. The trademark symbol goes after ONYX, not after Portable or HD The words portable video magnifier are not part of the legal name, but should be used on first reference.
ONYX® Swing-arm multiple view magnification camera. The S in Swing-arm is capped; the letter a in arm is not. A dash is required between Swing and arm. The trademark symbol goes after ONYX, not after arm. The words multiple-view magnification camera are not part of the legal name.
ONYX® Swing-arm PC Edition multiple view magnification camera. See style conventions above. PC and the letter E in Edition are capped. The words multiple-view magnification camera are not part of the legal name.
OpenBook® scanning and reading software. OpenBook is one word. The O and B are capped. The words scanning and reading software are not part of the legal name, but should be used on first reference.
PAC Mate™ accessible Pocket PC. PAC Mate is two words. PAC is capped and also the M in Mate. The phrase accessible Pocket PC is not part of the legal name.
PAC Mate Omni™. The PAC Mate Omni is an update of the PAC Mate BX/QX series. The trademark designation falls only after the word, Omni: PAC Mate Omni™. The letter O is upper case. The m, n, and i are lower case. Do not separate the word Omni from PAC Mate. PAC Mate Omni™ is correct.
PAC Mate™ Portable Braille Display. PAC Mate is trademarked. The words Portable Braille Display are part of the legal name and should be capped and used in all references to this product.
PEARL® reading camera. All letters in PEARL are capped. PEARL is trademarked. The words reading camera are not part of the legal name and should not be capped, but should be used on first reference.
PEARL® reading solution. The word solution applies to a combination of the PEARL reading camera and OpenBook 9.0 or above.
PLEXTALK® Pocket. Two words. PLEXTALK is all caps, but Pocket is not.
Research It. Two words. Not trademarked.
RUBY®, RUBY® HD, RUBY® XL HD, and RUBY® 7 HD handheld video magnifiers. All letters in RUBY are capped. RUBY is trademarked. The words handheld video magnifier are not part of the legal name and should not be capped, but should be used on first reference.
SAPPHIRE® portable video magnifier. All letters in SAPPHIRE are capped. The words portable video magnifier are not part of the legal name and should not be capped, but should be used on first reference.
SARA™ Scanning and Reading Appliance. All letters in SARA are capped. The first letters in Scanning and Reading Appliance are capped.
SARA™ CE Scanning and Reading Appliance. All letters in SARA are capped. Both the letter C and E are capped. The first letters in Scanning and Reading Appliance are capped. (CE stands for Camera Edition)
ScanTalker® accessible bar code reader. One word. The S and T are capped. The words accessible bar code reader should be used on first reference.
Smart Navigation™. Two words. The S and T are capitalized.
StreetTalk™ VIP accessible GPS. The S and third T are capped, as are the letters VIP. The words accessible GPS are not part of the legal name.
Talking CCTV®. Capital T in Talking. All letters in CCTV are capitalized.
TestTalker® test-taking software. One word. The T in Test and T in Talker are capped. The words test-taking software are not part of the legal name.
TOPAZ® desktop video magnifier. The family of desktop video magnifiers. All letters are capped. The words desktop video magnifier are not part of the legal name, but should be used on first reference.
TOPAZ® EZ HD, TOPAZ HD, TOPAZ OCR, and TOPAZ XL HD desktop video magnifiers. All letters in TOPAZ are capped. The letters EZ, HD, OCR, and XL are also capped. The registered trademark symbol follows the name TOPAZ. The words desktop video magnifier are not part of the legal name, but should be used on first reference.
TOPAZ® PHD portable video magnifier. All letters in TOPAZ are capped. The letters in PHD are capped. The letters H and D are approximately two points smaller than the letter P. If it is not possible to change the point size, then the letters PHD can be the same size. The registered trademark symbol follows the name TOPAZ. The words portable video magnifier are not part of the legal name, but should be used on first reference.
TOPAZ® Ultra portable video magnifier. All letters in TOPAZ are capped. The letter U in Ultra is capped. The registered trademark symbol follows the name TOPAZ. The words portable video magnifier are not part of the legal name, but should be used on first reference.
Vispero®. One word. Capital V.
WebMasking®. One word. The W and M are capped. To be first referred to as WebMasking feature and thereafter as WebMasking. May also be referred to on first reference as the patented WebMasking feature.
WHIZWHEELS® One word. All caps with registered trademark.
WYNN™ literacy software. All letters are capped. The words literacy software are not part of the legal name, but should be used on first reference.
Zoom-Ex®. One word with dash. The Z and the E are capped. Registered symbol after "Ex."
Zoom-Twix. One word with dash. The Z and the T are capped. No trademark.
ZoomText® Magnifier/Reader. ZoomText is one word. The Z and first T are capped. The words Magnifier/Reader are not part of the legal name, but should be used on first reference.
ZoomText® Magnifier. ZoomText is one word. The Z and first T are capped. The word Magnifier is not part of the legal name, but should be used on first reference.
Logo Usage
Our logo is protected by registered trademark.
Two color logo: PMS 300 (blue) and standard black. The size of the font must be proportionate to the size of the balloon as shown.
The symbol ® must appear at upper right of the last letter in the Freedom Scientific text of logo. When used in combination with another organization's logo, a minimum of 1/2-inch space must separate the logos on top, bottom, and sides to prevent the appearance that the logos are one unit.
If you have questions regarding use of the Freedom Scientific logo, please call Freedom Scientific at 727-803-8000.