JAWS Headquarters
Welcome to your one-stop resource for the world's leading screen reader, JAWS for Windows®. From this page, you can discover more about JAWS, quickly and easily navigate to a number of online resources, download updates, and learn valuable tips and tricks for using JAWS.
J-Say and Leasey, products to enhance the JAWS experience.
TypeAbility, the world's best typing tutor for users of screen readers and magnifiers.
Access to Applications You Need
With JAWS, you can work with Microsoft® Office®, including Word®, Excel®, Outlook®, and PowerPoint®; Google Workspace™ apps (Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Docs, and Sheets); Microsoft Edge™, Google Chrome™, Mozilla Firefox®, Adobe® Reader®, and more. JAWS is compatible with the latest Windows® operating systems, including touch screens and gestures on Windows 10 and later.
Access to MathML Content
MathML is a language for including mathematical content on web pages, enabling browsers to present math and science equations and formulas as they would appear on paper. JAWS provides spoken, natural-language descriptions of MathML expressions in Edge, Chrome, and Firefox using the same terms a teacher would use to explain them in a classroom. Students will benefit from hearing JAWS describe mathematical expressions as their teachers and peers do. If a refreshable braille display is connected, JAWS also shows math expressions on the display using the Nemeth Braille code, a widely used system for reading math in braille. In addition, math expressions are also displayed with highlighting in the Math Viewer as they are spoken, so sighted teachers can assist students who are using JAWS to study math. Once JAWS is installed, you can immediately begin reading math and science content. You do not need to install any additional third-party software applications or plugins to use JAWS MathML support.
Accessing Math Content with JAWS and Fusion
Tandem with JAWS
Tandem® lets you access another JAWS computer via the Internet so that you can provide hands-on technical support, write and distribute scripts from a distance, conduct remote JAWS training, or even just let two JAWS users in different places explore a new program together. Tandem support is included with every JAWS install, even the 40-minute demo.
See the JAWS Tandem Quick Start Guide to learn more about Tandem.
Surf's Up Training
Surf's Up - A set of Freedom Scientific web pages that explain how to surf the web with JAWS screen reading software. You will also find many new and updated exercises for practice throughout. You may also access a downloadable Surf's Up version for use when training off line.
Online Training
Free Webinars On Demand - Valuable for users at all levels.
You can learn to use JAWS - from basic steps to more advanced - in the comfort of your home, office, or school dorm. New webinars eliminate travel expenses, making it easier to get approval to learn at work and to find time to train. Also, check out our Upcoming Webinars page to see a schedule of upcoming webinars, and sign up to attend for free.
International JAWS
Note: A synthesizer that supports the given language is required for reading some of these pages with JAWS.
Freedom Scientific European Website
Japanese JAWS Website
Sight and Sound Technology (UK)
Karishma Enterprises (India)