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User Discussion Groups

Software and Hardware User Group Links

This page contains links to user forum discussion groups. These groups are not affiliated with or monitored by Freedom Scientific in any way. They are presented as a customer service for you to access as you like. We do not monitor the links to ascertain if they are still valid. If you discover a broken link, please notify us at Webmaster at You also may submit a new user group link for our consideration by e-mailing the Webmaster using the same address.

JAWS Scripts User Group

A user group for writing and supporting JAWS scripts.


A discussion group for users of JAWS for Windows in the United Kingdom

JAWS French

A discussion group for French-speaking users of JAWS for Windows

JAWS Russian

A discussion group for JAWS and its Russian localized version, Russian speech synthesizers, and braille displays with JAWS

OpenBook and WYNN

A list dedicated to Freedom Scientific's OpenBook scanning and reading software and WYNN and TestTalker literacy software. Choose the link below to visit the list and get subscription information or subscribe to this list.