Zoom Registration Page for Freedom Scientific Webinars
We are working with Zoom to resolve the issues some registrants have reported when trying to solve the CAPTCHA required to attend Freedom Scientific training webinars. If you are experiencing difficulty with the CAPTCHA, please follow the instructions below, and contact [email protected] if you have further questions.
Instructions for Solving the CAPTCHA on the Zoom Registration Page for Freedom Scientific Webinars
These instructions will work with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox though you may have more luck using Chrome. The CAPTCHA found on the Zoom registration page for our Freedom Scientific training webinars provides a choice between a visual or audio CAPTCHA, but also includes a check box specifying that you aren't a robot. Once you reach the check box, press SPACEBAR to select it. JAWS may not indicate the check box is selected, but when it is the CAPTCHA controls are typically shown below. In some cases, especially when using Google Chrome or Firefox, no controls are shown at all, therefore bypassing the CAPTCHA altogether. Should they appear, the CAPTCHA controls are as follows.
There is a button labeled "get a new challenge" for users with vision, one labeled "get an audio challenge" for users who need audio, a help button, verify button, and close button. If you choose "get a new challenge", characters will appear. Type them in the designated edit box. If you need audio, choose the button labeled "get an audio challenge". Your screen reader will indicate the Play button by reading the following text. "Press play and enter the words you hear. Press control to play again."
With focus on the Play button, press ENTER, and the audio should begin to play.
Press the DOWN arrow to move to the edit box, and press SPACEBAR or ENTER if Forms Mode does not automatically activate. Enter the words you heard. If you need to hear them again, press ESC to exit Forms Mode, press UP arrow to move to the audio challenge button, and then activate it once more.
Below the edit field is a link labeled "alternatively, download audio as MP3".
This will download the audio file of the CAPTCHA to your computer, where it can be played using your designated audio application.
Once you have completed the CAPTCHA, activate the "verify" button. At this point, your screen reader should indicate the "I'm not a robot" check box is selected, and the CAPTCHA controls will no longer be shown. Finally, navigate to and activate the "Register" link.