Transcript - Flash Messages on the Focus Braille Display

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(Narrator:) Using Flash Messages on The Focus Braille Display

Flash messages appear on the Focus braille display for a limited amount of time, which is five seconds by default. These include error messages, a low battery indicator message, and user requested messages. For example I'm reading a document here on my Focus and I want to verify its title. On the display, the text of the current line in the document reads, "The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog." When I press the keystroke INSERT+T, Tango, to read the title of the current document, the flash message containing this information is temporarily displayed for five seconds, interrupting the line I was reading. After five seconds the text, "The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog" reappears on my display. You can cancel a flash message and return to your current task by pressing any of the cursor routing keys. Display the last flash message by pressing F-chord, foxtrot, dots 1+2+4+SPACEBAR simultaneously with the SPACEBAR. Configure flash message settings by navigating to the JAWS options menu and choosing Braille. If JAWS is set to run in the system tray like mine is, navigate to your desktop by pressing WINDOWS Key+M, Mike.

(JAWS:) Windows M. Desktop folder view list view.

(N:) Press J, Juliette, to move to JAWS, then ENTER to activate the context menu.

(J:) J. JAWS 2020. ENTER. JAWS context menu. O. Options submenu. O.

(N:) Press O, Oscar, to open the options menu, then L, Lima, to open the Braille Basic Settings dialog.

(J:) O. Basics ... B. L. Menu bar leaving menu bar. Braille basic settings dialog.

(N:) If JAWS is not set to run in the system tray navigate to the JAWS window using ALT+TAB, then press ALT+O, Oscar, to move directly to the options menu, then L to activate the braille settings. I'm here in the Braille Basic Settings dialog and will TAB to advanced, and press ENTER.

(J:) Modify settings... button. Add Braille display... button. Advanced ... button. ENTER. Default (All Applications) - JAWS Settings Center dialog. Tree view. level 0. Braille. Open. 6 items.

(N:) Press F, Foxtrot, to move to flash messages, and RIGHT ARROW to expand this item.

(J:) F. level 1. Flash messages. Closed. Flash messages open. 5 items.

(N:) You can navigate through the flash message settings using the DOWN ARROW key. They include

(J:) level 2. Enable flash messages checked 1 of 5. Flash messages Braille.

(N:) Enable flash messages. Press SPACEBAR to check or uncheck this box. When checked flash messages will be displayed.

(J:) Flash message timeout : 3,000 milliseconds.

(N:) Flash message timeouts. Use this setting to determine how long flash messages are displayed on the Focus. Press SPACEBAR to cycle through the time, which is in milliseconds, or choose the option that allows you to clear them manually.

(J:) Enable message prefixes not checked.

(N:) Enable message prefixes. Press SPACEBAR to check or uncheck this box if you select this checkbox and your Focus isn't set to display status cells, a special prefix will appear before the flash messages to distinguish them from screen text. This prefix is a three-letter abbreviation that indicates the source of the message. If your Focus is set to display status cells JAWS uses those to indicate the text is a flash message, regardless of whether you select the prefix checkbox. Clear this checkbox if you do not want to use the prefix feature.

(J:) Verbosity level beginner highest.

(N:) Verbosity level. Press SPACEBAR to navigate through beginner, intermediate, and advanced verbosity.

(J:) Configure velocity levels closed.

(N:) Configure verbosity levels. Press RIGHT ARROW to open this option if you want to change the verbosity settings. TAB to okay, and press ENTER to save your settings and return to the Braille Basic Settings dialog.

(J:) Read-only edit. Okay button. ENTER. Braille basic settings dialog.

(N:) TAB to OK and press ENTER again to exit this dialog.

(J:) Show Braille load error checkbox not checked. OK button ENTER.

(N:) This has been a demonstration on using flash messages on the Focus Braille Display.

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