Transcript - Connecting Focus with Bluetooth

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(Narrator:) Connecting the Focus Blue to a Computer via Bluetooth

To use the Focus Blue with JAWS wirelessly over Bluetooth you must first configure a Bluetooth partnership between the Focus and your computer. Move quickly to your computer's Bluetooth settings by typing the word "Bluetooth" in the search edit box.

(JAWS:) B L U E T O O T H. Bluetooth and other devices settings system settings press RIGHT to switch preview. ENTER. Settings. Bluetooth and other devices. Add Bluetooth or other device button.

(N:) Check to make sure bluetooth is enabled.

(J:) Bluetooth button off

(N:) Press SPACEBAR to enable Bluetooth.

(J:) Space, on.

(N:) Make sure your braille display is powered on. I'll navigate back up to the add device button with SHIFT+TAB.

(J:) Bluetooth and other devices, Add Bluetooth or other device button. Space. Add a device. Add a device, choose the kind of device you want to add. Bluetooth button

(N:) We'll press SPACEBAR here.

(J:) Space. Add a device make sure your device is turned on and discoverable. Select a device below to connect, Cancel button. List box. Unknown device 1 of 5. Focus 14 BT 22E76698

(N:) I'll press ENTER.

(J:) Enter. Focus 14 BT 22E76698. Enter the pin for Focus14 BT 22E76698 edit.

(N:) I've been prompted for the pin code to connect this device. I'll enter 0 0 0 0.

(J:) 0 0 0 0

(N:) Then TAB

(J:) Connect button

(N:) And ENTER.

(J:) ENTER. One button ENTER. Bluetooth and other devices.

(N:) My Focus is now paired with my computer wirelessly over Bluetooth.

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