Transcript - Using Forms with Quick Keys

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(Narrator) Now I'll show you navigation Quick Keys related to filling out forms. I'll navigate to a sample form also created for practice.

(J) Surf's Up, Surfing the Internet with JAWS.

(N) Now I'm on the Surf's Up home page and I will press INSERT+F7 to access the list of links, and press the letter F, foxtrot, to navigate to the link for the Forms page.

(J) Links list dialog, links list view, Navigating Web Pages 4 of 27. F, Forms.

(N) I'll ENTER to activate it.

(J) Enter, page has 2 regions 17 headings and 13 links.

(N) I will press INSERT+F7 again and press W, whiskey, for Web Track, then ENTER on this link.

(J) Links list dialog, links list view, Surf's Up, 1 of 13, W, web track sample form, enter. The web track sample call tracking system – Google Chrome submit button, page has one heading and no links.

(N) I'll press CTRL+HOME to make sure focus is at the top of the page.

(J) The web track sample call tracking system.

(N) Press E, echo, to move to the edit boxes on this page.

(J) First name. This is a required field. Middle edit. Middle initial. Last name, this is a required field, edit.

(N) When you use Navigation Quick Keys to explore a form, forms mode does not come on automatically. This is on purpose and allows you to explore the form quickly and easily without having to go into and out of forms mode. You may press ENTER while using navigation Quick Keys if you need to activate forms mode. Now I will press C, Charlie, to navigate through combo boxes.

(J) Action taken combo box, hardware issue, [chime sound] wrapping to top, combo box hardware issue.

(N) There is only one combo box on this page so pressing C twice caused focus to wrap to the top of the page and move to that box again. Now I'll press A for radio buttons.

(J) Wrapping to top [chime sound] Yes radio button checked, one of two. No radio button, not checked.

(N) Notice once again pressing the navigation quick key here searched for radio buttons below the combo box. There were none so JAWS started the search again after wrapping to the top. I heard a chime sound and JAWS spoke, "wrapping to top" to alert me to this information. Now press X, X-ray, to navigate through check boxes.

(J) Phone check box not checked, Email checkbox checked, mail checkbox not checked.

(N) Now press B, Bravo, to move through buttons.

(J) Submit button, [chime sound], wrapping to top, mailing address button, billing address button.

(N) I'll press F, foxtrot, to navigate through all form controls on the page.

(J) Order number edit, 357.

(N) Notice that there are some fields that already contain information. The number 357 is in this edit box. The next edit box also has text with the number 2468. If parts of the form are prefilled JAWS reads it for you. I'll press F to navigate through a few more form fields.

(J) Account number 2468, JAWS checkbox not checked, Fusion checkbox not checked.

(N) You can also press U, uniform, to navigate through unvisited links, and V, Victor, to move through visited links. Navigation Quick Keys are on by default, but you can change this setting by pressing INSERT+N, November, to toggle through the settings.

(J) Navigation Quick Keys off, navigation Quick Keys say all only, navigation Quick Keys on.

(N) This keyboard command only works when the virtual PC cursor is on, which it typically is by default. Now for a few keyboard commands. First, I'll press CTRL+HOME to move back to the top of the form.

(J) Web track sample call tracking system.

(N) Press INSERT+F3 for a list of all virtual HTML features on a web page.

(J) Virtual HTML features dialog, list one list view, anchors list one of 21.

(N) You can navigate this list using the UP and DOWN ARROW keys.

(J) Articles list, block quote list, buttons list.

(N) I'll press ESC to exit this list and return to the web track page.

(J) Escape.

(N) INSERT+F5 lists all form fields on a page.

(J) Select a form field dialog, list one list view, first name, This is a required field. One of 25.

(N) I'll press ESC to close this list.

(J) ESC, the web track sample call tracking system.

(N) If you want a list of specific elements on a page hold down CTRL+INSERT while pressing the corresponding navigation quick key. For example, I'll press CTRL+INSERT+X, x-ray, to display a list of checkboxes on this page.

(J) Select a check box dialog, list one list view, ordered products JAWS checkbox not checked one at seven.

(N) I'll press ESC to close this list.

(J) Escape.

(N) You'll find many other navigation Quick Keys and keyboard commands in Surfs Up for navigating web pages quickly and efficiently. Press INSERT+H, hotel, for a list of hotkeys which are displayed in the virtual viewer.

(J) Go back a page, alt plus left arrow; read the address bar, insert plus A, next link tab.

(N) Press ESC to close the virtual viewer and return to your web page.

(J) Escape web track sample call tracking system.

(N) You can also press INSERT+F1 for context specific help on the application you're using, which in this case is Google Chrome. I will press INSERT+F1.

(J) There are no links on this page. There is one heading, there are 25 forms.

(N) This command gives you information about the elements contained on this page. They are also displayed in the virtual viewer. I will press ESC to close the virtual viewer.

(J) Escape, web track sample call tracking system.

(N) This has been a demonstration on using navigation Quick Keys and other keyboard commands to navigate web pages.

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