Transcript - Web Page Elements

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(Narrator) An Overview of Web Page Elements

Now I want to show you some of the different Web page elements you will encounter while using Surf's Up. You've already seen that we use headings at different levels for navigation and structure. There are also regions on each page as well as links. Let's use the JAWS list of links to move to one of the practice pages where I can show you how the exercises are structured. I'm going to press INSERT+F7 to open the JAWS list of links.

(J) Links List dialog, links list view, Skip to Navigation, 1 of 27.

(N) I'm going to press N to look for the link "Navigating Web Pages," and then I will press ENTER to move there.

(J) Navigating Web Pages, page has 2 regions, 13 headings, and 18 links.

(N) OK, the page has loaded. Here you will learn about Navigation Quick Keys, reading text, and navigating headings, lists, links, and images. Let's look at the structure of the page and how the exercises are laid out. There are several exercises on the page with instructions for different tasks. I'm going to press L to move to the first list.

(J) List of 5 items.

(N) I will press DOWN ARROW to move through the list.

(J) 1. Press INSERT+F7 to display a list of links on this page.

(N) The first step tells you to open a list of links on the page. For now, continue to press DOWN ARROW to move through the list of instructions for this exercise.

(J) 2. Make sure the link "Jim's Cafe at Innisport" is selected and press ENTER. This opens the sample page in a new browser window. You can hold down CTRL and press TAB to switch back to this window and refer to these instructions. JAWS remembers where you are on the page, so you won't lose your place. If the page opens in a completely new window just use ALT+TAB to switch between windows.

(N) Here you find a link to a sample page, Jim's Café at Innisport. I'll come back to this in a moment. As you continue pressing DOWN ARROW there are other steps in this exercise, which teaches how to use the navigation quick key P, Poppa, to move and read by paragraphs. I am going to press the letter L to move to the next list on the page.

(J) List of four items.

(N) And I will press DOWN ARROW.

(J) 1. Open the sample page (link - Jim's Cafe at Innisport) and press CTRL+HOME to move to the top of the page.

(N) OK, so here we have a second exercise that teaches how to use the list of links in JAWS, explore different types of links such as same page links, FTP links, send mail links, etc. and also has practice using navigation quick keys. One thing you may notice is that we have a link here in this second exercise for Jim's Café at Innisport. In fact, if you look at the list of links, you'll find Jim's Café listed nine times on the page. The reason for this is that as you and your students are working through the exercises, we don't want you to lose your place in the exercise steps while looking for the link to the practice page. So, we include the link multiple times, once for each lesson where it is needed. You will find this to be the case throughout the Surf's Up exercises.

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