Transcript - Using the Zoom Chat

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(Narrator) Using the Zoom Chat Box

You may want to ask questions or leave comments while in a webinar or meeting. You can do this by using the chat box. Press ALT+H as in hotel to open the chat area.

(JAWS) ALT+H, Zoom webinar chat.

(N) You are automatically placed in the box when you can type your question and press enter to submit. I will type hello.

(J) H e l l o, enter

(N) If you want to read the messages in the chat conversation press SHIFT+TAB until you reach the chat text list box. You'll hear something like this:

(J) to: from me to everyone: 10:22 am hello hello to move to an item press the arrow keys.

(N) JAWS reads who the message is from, who will see the message, the time it was left, and the message itself.

Use your UP and DOWN ARROW keys to navigate through the list of messages.

(J) From me to all panelists. 10:04 AM hello. From me to everyone: 10:12 AM, hello.

(N) You may also want to verify that everyone in the webinar meeting will receive your messages. To do this TAB or SHIFT+TAB until you reach the To drop-down button.

(J) to: all panelists and attendees button drop-down

(N) JAWS indicated that my messages will appear for all panelists and attendees. If this choice hadn't been selected. I could press ENTER on the To drop-down button to activate it, then DOWN ARROW to the option I want and press ENTER.

(J) Enter, new webinar chat, all panelists, all panelists and attendees, enter, new meeting ID: 401…

(N) Now, if I want to verify that, I can press INSERT plus the TAB key.

(J) Alerts disabled. Your text can be seen by panelists and other attendees, edit.

(N) And it verifies this for me. Note that in a meeting, the choice is called To Everyone instead of All Panelists and Attendees like it is in a webinar.

Press ALT+H again to exit the chat area and return to the Zoom meeting window.

(J) ALT+H, input chat, your text can be seen by panelists and other attendees, edit.

(N) Though JAWS did not indicate this, instead it read the last alert, so I'm going press TAB and SHIFT+TAB just to see what the meeting controls are and verify that I am where I think I am.

(J) Enter full-screen button, leave meeting button.

(N) And I recognize these as the meeting controls. I'm used to seeing. So I know that I'm actually in the meeting window.

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