Transcript - How to Register for a Zoom Webinar or Meeting

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(Narrator) How to Register for a Zoom Webinar or Meeting with JAWS.

I have an email invitation for a Zoom webinar that requires registration. The email confirms the webinar subject as well as the date and time.

Inside the email, I will choose the link, "Register in advance for this webinar:" And I'll do that right now. A web page loads with a very short form to fill out. It has fields for your first and last name as well as your email address. I will fill out the form now.

(JAWS:) First Name edit, required, one of two. Last Name edit, required, two of two. Required, Email address edit, required, one of two. Confirm email address edit, required, two of two.

(N:) And I will retype my email address, and then choose the "Register" link. After registering a "Webinar" or "Meeting Registration Approved" page loads. You will also receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar or meeting. In either case you will find a link to use to join the event, links to use to add the event to your calendar, and even a cancellation link should you need it.

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