Transcript - Microsoft Teams Chat

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(Narrator) Create a New Chat. When you create a new chat it can be private one-on-one or a group conversation separate from the team channel. You can also create new chats within the public team channel. Create a new chat from anywhere in teams by pressing CTRL+N, November.

(JAWS) CTRL+N. To: edit start typing a name or group.

(N) Type the name of the person you want to reach.

(J) Search results updated. Use UP and DOWN key to navigate, ENTER to select, Karl Scott. K S C O T T. One of twenty.

(N) If the first search result matches just press ENTER to add that person. Otherwise, press DOWN ARROW to move into a list of names that match what you type, and then press ENTER to add a name to your chat message or group. I'll press ENTER.

(J) Use left key to access previous chat recipient. To start the chat press ENTER. Sync complete no new messages found.

(N) You may continue to add other names to the list or you can simply press ENTER to start the chat. I'll press ENTER.

(J) Chat content main region. Type a new message. Editing edit. Karl Scott vertical bar Microsoft Teams main window. Karl Scott chat content main region.

(N) And I'll press ENTER.

(J) Sending... message sent.

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