Transcript - Microsoft Teams Keyboard Commands

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(Narrator) Access Keyboard Commands in Microsoft Teams with JAWS. From anywhere in Microsoft Teams press CTRL+PERIOD to bring up a list of keyboard commands.

(JAWS) Dialog, keyboard shortcuts.

(N) A modal dialog box has appeared on the screen. Commands are arranged in categories within tables. For best results when reading this modal with JAWS, use INS+Z, Zulu, to turn the virtual PC cursor on. I'll do that now.

(J) Use Virtual PC cursor on.

(N) Next I'll press the letter T, Tango, to navigate from table to table in the dialog box.

(J) Grid with 2 columns and 7 rows. General. Grid with 2 columns and 6 rows. Navigation. Grid with 2 columns and 3 rows. Messaging.

(N) There is the one for Messaging. I'll press DOWN ARROW to read through a few of these.

(J) Go to compose box. C. Expand compose box. CTRL+SHIFT+X. Send (expanded composed box) CTRL+ENTER. Attach file CTRL+O.

(N) Press ESC to exit the modal and return to Teams.

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