Transcript - Join a Meeting in Microsoft Teams with JAWS

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(Narrator) Join a meeting in Microsoft Teams with JAWS. There are multiple ways to join a meeting in Microsoft Teams. I'll demonstrate how to join from Teams and from Outlook. Let's join from Teams. You can join a meeting in Teams using the calendar tab. If this tab is present, access it by pressing CTRL+4 on the number row. If this keystroke takes you to another tab instead, check with your company's IT administrator for further assistance. I'll press CTRL+4 to navigate to my calendar.

(JAWS) CTRL+4 calendar vertical bar Microsoft Teams.

(N) Navigate through the calendar area with TAB and SHIFT+TAB. Locate the meeting you want to join and press ENTER.

(J) Test meeting February 19 12:30 p.m. to February 19th 1:00 p.m. Location : Microsoft Team's meeting organized by Elizabeth Whitaker button. ENTER. Dialog test meeting.

(N) A dialog will appear containing several items. Since this is a meeting I scheduled, I have the options to join the meeting, chat with participants, edit the meeting, and cancel it. There is also a join link, a link where you can learn more about Teams, a meeting options button, and a close button. If someone else scheduled a meeting there will be options to accept, mark as tentative, and decline. And those for editing and cancelling will be omitted. Locate the Join button and press SPACE to activate it.

(J) Join button. SPACE. Test meeting (meeting) vertical bar Microsoft Teams.

(N) A dialog will be displayed containing another join button, a toggle button for enabling video, an enable microphone toggle button, a show settings pane containing audio, video and test call settings, as well as other audio options for joining. Locate the Join Meeting button and press SPACE.

(J) Join the meeting button SPACE. Connecting.

(N) You will be successfully added to the meeting. Now let's join from Outlook. Open Outlook and press CTRL+2 on the number row to navigate to the Calendar. Locate the meeting you want to join and press ENTER to open it, which I've already done. TAB to the body of the meeting message where the Join Microsoft Teams meeting link is located.

(J) Link joining Microsoft Teams meeting.

(N) I'll press ENTER to access this link.

(J) ENTER. Meeting vertical bar Microsoft Teams.

(N) Teams will open in a join dialog. Press SPACE on the join meetings button.

(J) SPACE. Connecting. Project meeting.

(N) You will be successfully added to the meeting. To leave a meeting press TAB until you reach the Hang Up button and press SPACE to activate it.

(J) Hang up button. SPACE. Alert leaving...

(N) This has been a demonstration on how to join a meeting in Microsoft Teams with JAWS.

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