Transcript - Microsoft Teams Settings with JAWS

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(Narrator) Microsoft Teams Settings with JAWS. To open the settings dialog box in Microsoft Teams do one of the following: Press CTRL+COMMA or press CTRL+F6 to move to the search edit box, and then press TAB to move to your profile button. Press ENTER, and then choose Settings in the menu. I'll press CTRL+COMMA.

(JAWS) Settings modal dialog, region, General tab selected, one of six, to activate press enter.

(N) The Settings dialog box opens with focus in a list of categories for General, Privacy, Notifications, Devices, Permissions, and Calls. The General category allows you to set the theme and basic application settings, such as auto start for Teams. I'll press the TAB key.

(J) Theme tab default, theme button tab selected, one of three, to activate press enter. Application auto - start application checkbox checked.

(N) I'm going to press SHIFT+TAB to go back to the categories.

(J) Theme tab. General tab selected, one of six. To activate press enter.

(N) And I'll press DOWN ARROW to move to Privacy.

(J) Privacy tab, 2 of 6. To activate press enter.

(N) And I'll press ENTER.

(J) Selected.

(N) The Privacy category allows you to change settings for do not disturb, read receipts, and surveys.

(J) Notifications tab, 3 of 6 to activate press enter.

(N) I'll press ENTER on Notifications.

(J) Selected.

(N) The Notifications category allows you to change settings for mentions, messages, meetings, and more. I'll press TAB to move into the settings for Notifications and look.

(J) List box, personal mentions banner and email button menu.

(N) For mentions notifications you can choose among the following three items: Banner and Email.

(J) List box, banner and email one of, banner, two of three.

(N) Banner

(J) Only show in feed, three of three.

(N) Or Only Show in Feed. For now I'm going to leave it on Banner and Email. I'll just press ESC.

(J) Personal mentions banner and email button menu.

(N) I'm going to press TAB to move forward through some of these.

(J) Channel mentions banner and email button menu, team mentions banner and email button menu, chat messages banner and email button menu.

(N) For message notifications you can choose among various options depending on the item. For example for chat messages I could choose Banner and Email.

(J) list box banner and email, one of three. Banner, two of three.

(N) Banner or Off.

(J) Off three of three.

(N) I'll press ESC.

(J) Chat messages banner and email button menu.

(N) Other choices may include "Only show in feed" as well. In the Other notifications section you'll find notification sounds which can be set to All, Call mention and chat, or Off. I'm going to press SHIFT+TAB to move back to the categories.

(J) Team mentions, channel mentions, personal mentions, notifications tab selected, three of six, to activate press enter.

(N) And I'll press DOWN ARROW to move to Devices.

(J) Devices tab, 4 of 6, to activate press ENTER.

(N) I'll press ENTER.

(J) Selected.

(N) The Devices category allows you to configure the audio settings for speaker and microphone, secondary ringer, and camera. I'll press DOWN ARROW to move to the Permissions category.

(J) Permissions tab, 5 of 6 selected.

(N) The Permissions category allows you to configure settings for apps, such as allowing access to media, location, and more. I'll press DOWN ARROW to move to the Calls tab.

(J) Calls tab 6 of 6, to activate press ENTER.

(N) And I'll press ENTER.

(J) Selected.

(N) The Calls category allows you to configure settings for handling incoming calls, voicemail, ringtones, and TTY mode. Saving Changes to Teams Settings. Changes are automatically saved. Just press ESC to dismiss the Settings dialog box when you're finished making changes.

(J) Minimize button.

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