Transcript - the Microsoft Teams User Interface

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(Narrator:) The Microsoft Teams User Interface. When you first open Microsoft Teams focus may be in the same region it was in when the app was last closed. The user interface, UI, consists of the App bar, which is on the left side of the screen in a narrow vertical column. The App bar has tabs for different apps, for example the Chat app and the Files app. Pressing ENTER on any of these App bar tabs opens that app in the rest of the window.

To the right of the App bar is a list or tree view depending on which tab is currently selected, i.e., Teams and channels list tree view, files, etc.

To the right of that, comprising the major part of the screen, is the content main region where messages and conversations appear in the Chat view or where a list of shared files appears in File view, etc. The Search edit box is near the top of the screen.

Across the top and bottom of the main region, toolbar buttons or more tab controls for various tasks may appear or disappear, depending on the currently selected tab or task being performed.

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