Transcript - Skype Settings

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(Narrator) You may want to access the Skype settings to customize features such as your profile, audio and video settings, calling, messaging and more. You can access Skype settings from the tools menu by pressing ALT and the letter T as in Tango, followed by the letter S, as in Sierra.

You can also press CONTROL+COMMA from anywhere in Skype. I'll use this command to open the Skype settings.

(JAWS) Skype.

(N) Here we are presented with a number of buttons that serve as categories. I will use the TAB key to move forward through them.

(J) Account and profile selected button, general button, appearance button, audio and video button, calling button, messaging button, notifications button, contacts button, help and feedback button.

(N) By default the Account and Profile button is selected each time you open Skype but you can select any of these category buttons with ENTER or SPACE.

The Help and Feedback button is the last category, so if you keep pressing TAB you'll move through the settings for the particular category you have selected. You can also press SHIFT+TAB to move backwards through the list. I will press SHIFT+TAB to navigate to the general button, press SPACE to select it, then TAB to the general settings.

(J) Contacts button, notifications button, messaging button, calling button, audio and video button, appearance button, general button, space.

(N) I can verify the General button is selected by pressing the JAWS key, or INSERT, plus TAB.

(J) General selected button.

(N) Now I'll TAB to the General settings.

(J) Appearance button. Audio and video button, calling button, messaging button, notifications button, contacts button, help and feedback button, language button, automatically start Skype switch pressed, on. Launch Skype in the background, switch off. On close, keep Skype running, switch pressed on, share location with Bing switch off. Account and profile button.

(N) And we are back to the Account and Profile button. Here I can make changes or press ESC to exit Settings and return to the Skype program window. When you press ESC any changes you have made will automatically be saved.

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