Transcript - JAWS Layered Commands for Skype

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(Rachel) Layered commands allow you as a user to have access to more commands without twisting your fingers into pretzels. The next time you feel like learning something new try INSERT+SPACEBAR, QUESTION MARK and see how you can make your life easier with layered commands.

(Liz) A bit more about layered commands and why we use them in Skype. As Rachel explained layered commands provide even more functionality to various applications like Skype. There are currently three layered commands available that are specific to Skype. They are:

You can display this list of layered commands by pressing INSERT+SPACE to activate the first layer, the letter Y to activate the second layer, and QUESTION MARK to bring up the available list of commands in the virtual viewer.

This series of keystrokes displays the Skype layer even if your focus is not currently in the Skype program window. But you must press the letter Y as in Yankee to access the list of commands specific to Skype. Otherwise, you will access a general list of layered commands instead.

So why do we use layered commands in Skype? Layered commands allow us to perform certain tasks such as answering and disconnecting a call no matter what application we're in at the time. I'll demonstrate this now by answering a call from my coworker. I'll press INSERT+SPACE, the letter Y, then UP ARROW.

[Skype Ring Sound]

(JAWS) space, Y, Skype desktop application

(L) Hi, Justin, how are you?

(Justin) Hey, Liz. Good. How are you today?

(L) Doing good. Thanks so much for being a part of my demo here, appreciate it.

(Justin) Ah, no problem I'll let you get back to it, talk to you soon.

(L) All right, thanks. I disconnected that call by pressing INSERT+SPACE followed by the letter Y, then DOWN ARROW.

The third layered command, set focus to the Skype desktop application. Press INSERT+SPACE followed by the letter Y as in Yankee, then the letter S as in Sierra.

So as you can see layered commands provide a convenient way to answer and disconnect calls quickly in Skype without the need to navigate to the program window.

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