Transcript - JAWS Windows Key Help

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JAWS Windows Key Help, INSERT+W

(Narrator) First, move to the Windows desktop. Press WINDOWS Key+D to move focus to the desktop.

(JAWS) WINDOWS D, Folder View List view, Recycle Bin checked, 1 of 8.

(N) Next, press INSERT+W to bring up a list of generic commands in the Virtual Viewer.

(J) Following are useful windows keyboard commands: To access an application menu bar, press ALT. To open the start menu, press CTRL+ESC or the Windows Key. For Windows help, press F1. To exit an application, press ALT+F4. etc.

(N) JAWS reads the entire window once the Virtual Viewer opens. You may also read this screen one line at a time. Press CTRL+HOME to make sure focus is at the top of the virtual viewer, and then press DOWN ARROW to read through the text.

(J) Following are useful windows keyboard commands. Following are useful windows keyboard commands: To access an application menu bar, press ALT. To open the start menu, press CTRL+ESC or the Windows Key.

(N) You can continue to scroll down through this text and read it if you'd like. This help message being displayed right now is a list of generic commands that you can use anywhere. For example, JAWS just spoke about using ALT+F4 to close a program or pressing the ALT key to access the menu bar. Those are concepts that you may already be familiar with. You can review this message with the ARROW keys. When you're finished reading the text in the Virtual Viewer for Windows Key help, just press ESC. The message in the Virtual Viewer closes, and focus returns to the desktop.

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