Transcript - JAWS Hot Key Help

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(Narrator) First, press WINDOWS Key+D to put focus on the Windows desktop.

(JAWS) WINDOWS D, Folder View List view, Recycle Bin checked, 1 of 8.

(N) Press the keystroke for JAWS Hot Key help, INSERT+H.

(J) Here are some JAWS hot keys for general use, description hot key, Screen Sensitive Help JAWSKey+F1, Windows tips on navigation JAWSKey+W, Read window title JAWSKey+T, etc.

(N) I pressed CTRL to stop speech there. The Virtual Viewer opens. JAWS announces there are some JAWS Hot Keys for general use. You may stop JAWS from reading by pressing CTRL, as I did. Otherwise, it reads the entire contents of the Virtual Viewer. You'll notice these commands are all generic. They're not tied to a specific app because focus was on the Desktop when you pressed this command. You get a generic list of possible JAWS Hot Keys.

(J) Link Lock or unlock the keyboard, INSERT+SPACE, L; Link turn Screen Shade on or off, JAWSKey+space, F11.

(N) Press ESC now to close this Virtual Viewer and the information it contains.

(J) Esc. Recycle bin checked, 1 of 8.

(N) Open Google Chrome by pressing the WINDOWS key and then start typing out "chrome" until you hear JAWS speak it. Then press ENTER to launch it.

(J) Search box edit, c h, Google Chrome, App, Press ENTER. Selected, about blank, address and search bar edit.

(N) Focus is in the address bar. Press TAB to move into the main part of the web page.

(J) Frame, Gmail images, Google Account, page has 1 frame, 1 region and 2 links. Visited link Gmail, link images, Google apps button collapsed.

(N) You may hear something different, since Chrome may load to a different page than what I have, which is the Google home page. That's fine if so. Now try pressing the keystroke for JAWS Hot Key Help in Chrome. Press INSERT+H to activate the JAWS Hot Key Help if you are using the desktop layout. Press CTRL+SHIFT+CAPS LOCK+H if you are using the laptop layout. Go ahead and press the appropriate keystroke now.

(J) Go Back a page, ALT+LEFT ARROW. Read the Address bar, INSERT+A. Next link, TAB. Prior link, SHIFT+TAB. Etc.

(N) I pressed CTRL to stop speech. These commands are specific to JAWS and web browsers. Hot Key Help works in the same way in that the list of commands that you get is dependent on which app is in focus. If focus is on the desktop, or if focus is in an app where there are no specific JAWS commands, then you get a generic list. Go ahead and press ESC now to close the Virtual Viewer.

(J) Esc, Gmail dot com button collapsed.

(N) Close Chrome by pressing ALT+F4 when you are finished practicing.

(J) ALT+F4.

Remember to press CTRL+F4 to close this browser window when finished.