Transcript - JAWS Cursor and Mouse Commands

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(Narrator) I have JAWS running with the default voice synthesizer, Eloquence, for this demonstration. Focus is on the Windows desktop and JAWS is running in the system tray, so I will press INSERT+J, Juliet, to open a JAWS context menu.

(JAWS) JAWS Context Menu, Options sub menu, O.

(N) Press A, Alpha, to open the About JAWS dialog box.

(J) About JAWS dialog, JAWS, Job Access With Speech, Professional Edition, Version 2020.2004.66 ILM, Serial Number.

(N) I pressed CTRL to stop speech. When the About JAWS dialog box opens, JAWS begins reading the entire contents of the dialog box window. But I pressed CTRL to silence speech before all the text was spoken. You could read the entire window using the JAWS keystroke, INSERT+B, Bravo, but that does not give you the granular control of reading one word or character, line, etc. at a time. You may press TAB to move through some of the items within the dialog box, but not everything is in tab order. There is static text outside of where the PC cursor can go when pressing TAB. Focus is in the Serial Number read only edit box. Press TAB to move through the controls.

(J) Locking Code: read only edit, 100-xxx; Manage License on Portal Link, Software Maintenance Agreement Upgrades Remaining 0, Remove Access enabled, Tandem Direct disabled, Authorized using a local JAWS ILM key, Display Device: read only edit, OK button, ALT+O, Special Update Code... button, ALT+S, Acknowledgements button, ALT+A, Serial Number: read only edit, 447294, Locking Code: read only edit.

(N) There is more text available outside of where the PC cursor can move in this dialog box. For example, the version number of JAWS, the copyright information, etc. is not in tab order, so cannot be read by the PC cursor. Here is a case where you might use the JAWS cursor. Focus is in the Locking Code read only edit box. You may have no idea where the JAWS cursor, or mouse pointer, is on the screen if you cannot see it. However, you do have a reference point where the PC cursor is - it is in the Locking Code edit box. So, what you can do is press a keystroke to move the JAWS cursor, or mouse pointer, to where the PC cursor is in that edit box. Go on and do that now. Press the keystroke to route the JAWS cursor to the PC cursor, INSERT+NUM PAD MINUS.

(J) Route JAWS to PC.

(N) A couple of things just happened. First, I heard a slightly different voice speak the message "Route JAWS to PC." This is the JAWS cursor voice. The PC cursor voice uses the person Reed at a pitch of 65. The JAWS cursor voice, which is a little bit lower in pitch than the normal PC cursor voice you hear for Eloquence, uses the person Glen at a pitch of 58. The reason we use a different voice for the JAWS cursor is that sometimes people may forget which cursor is active. You get different results when you move the JAWS cursor around on the screen than when you move the PC cursor around, so having a different voice can help queue you in when you do like I do, and occasionally forget to turn the PC cursor on again with NUM PAD PLUS after using the JAWS cursor.

Second, the mouse pointer has just snapped from wherever it was on the screen to the location of the PC cursor here in this dialog box. Press INSERT+UP ARROW to read the current line.

(J) Locking code: read only edit, 100-xxx.

(N) Now, press PGUP to move the JAWS cursor to the top of the dialog box.

(J) Page up.

(N) The JAWS cursor, aka the mouse pointer, is now positioned on the title bar of the About JAWS dialog box. Press INSERT+UP ARROW to read the current line.

(J) About JAWS dialog.

(N) The text visible there is "About JAWS," the title of the window. The PC cursor cannot move here, but either the JAWS or the Invisible cursor can. Press DOWN ARROW now to move down one line in the About JAWS dialog box.

(J) JAWS, OK button.

(N) There are two things on this line. The word, "JAWS," and an OK button. How do you know this? Press HOME to move to the beginning of the row or line, and then use CTRL plus the ARROW Keys to navigate by word, one word at a time.

(J) Home.

(N) Press INS+NUM PAD 5 to read the current word.


(N) There's the text of the word, JAWS. Press CTRL+RIGHT ARROW to move to the next word to the right.

(J) OK button.

(N) There's the OK button. So, on this line is the word "JAWS" out to the left, and the OK button on the right. Continue pressing DOWN ARROW.

(J) Job Access With Speech; Professional Edition; Version 2020.2004.66 ILM.

(N) You may continue reading with the JAWS cursor here. Notice that the JAWS cursor is restricted to this smaller window, a dialog box, which is within the main window that is taking up most of the screen. If you press HOME, END, PGUP, or PGDN, the mouse pointer remains within this smaller window, so you do not get lost in the main app window in the background. Let me demonstrate this quickly now with the Invisible cursor. First, I am going to press NUM PAD PLUS to activate the PC cursor again.

(J) PC cursor.

(N) Next, I will press INSERT+UP ARROW to read the current line. The PC cursor should still be focused in the Locking Code edit box.

(J) Locking code: read only edit, 100-xxx.

(N) I'm going to switch back to the JAWS cursor to show you how to use it for clicking with a mouse. I will press NUM PAD MINUS.

(J) JAWS cursor.

(N) The JAWS cursor can be used to for left or right clicks as well. Press PGUP to move focus back to the top of the dialog box.

(J) Page up.

(N) Press DOWN ARROW to move to the line where the OK button is, and then press CTRL+RIGHT ARROW to move to it.

(J) JAWS, OK button. OK.

(N) Focus is on the OK button. Press the NUM PAD SLASH, the second key from the left on the top row of most number pads. This activates the left mouse button.

(J) Left mouse button.

(N) The JAWS About dialog box closed. Nothing else was spoken since there is currently nothing with focus for JAWS to read. Press INSERT+T to read the title of the current window.

(J) Lost focus. Press ALT+TAB.

(N) So, you can press ALT+TAB to move back to the desktop or whatever app you want to move to next. And finally, don't forget to press NUM PAD PLUS to reactivate the PC cursor!

(J) PC cursor.

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