Transcript - Rename Folders and Files Using the Ribbon in File Explorer

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(Narrator) You can rename folders and files using the ribbon in File Explorer. Press WINDOWS+E to open File Explorer, then locate the folder or file you want to rename.

(JAWS) File Explorer Items View List box.

(N) I’ll press D until focus is on the Documents folder, then press ENTER to open it.

(J) Downloads Documents shell folder view Items View listbox

(N) I’ll locate the folder called Practice by pressing P.

(J) Practice

(N) You can also navigate through the list of folders and files by pressing UP or DOWN ARROW. Once on the folder or file you want to rename, press ALT+H to access the Home tab on the ribbon, then R to execute the Rename command.

(J) Menu, leaving menus. Documents Items view multiselect listbox Practice 9/4/2020 5:52 PM 14 of 30 edit Practice

(N) If you are renaming a folder, the entire folder name is selected. If you are renaming a file, the name of the file is selected but the file extension, if visible, is not selected. Type a new name, or edit the existing one as you would in an edit box or document. I’ll navigate to the end of this text and type the word “Files.”

(J) space F i l e s

(N) Press ENTER to save the new name and exit edit mode.

(J) items view multiselect listbox Practice 9/4/2020 5:52 PM file folder 14 of 30 Practice Files

(N) Focus will return to your list of folders and files. My folder is now named Practice Files.

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