Transcript - Create a New Folder Using a Hotkey in File Explorer

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(Narrator) You can quickly create a new folder with a hotkey. Press WINDOWS+E to open File Explorer, and navigate to the location where you want to create the new folder.

(JAWS) File Explorer Items view multiselect listbox.

(N) I’ll press D to locate the documents folder, then press ENTER to open it. Press the File Explorer keystroke CTRL+SHIFT+N to create a new folder.

(J) Not selected Downloads not selected documents shell folder view items view listbox.

(N) Press the File Explorer keystroke CTRL+SHIFT+N to create a new folder.

(J) Edit, new Folder Documents

(N) A new folder is displayed in the list view on the right side of the screen. Edit Mode is activated, so you can give the folder a name. By default, the words "New folder" will be displayed, followed by a number. I’ll type the words Training Files over this text, and press ENTER to exit Edit Mode and create the folder.

(J) T r a i n i n g space F i l e s Items view multiselect listbox.

(N) Focus will return to your list of folders and files, which now contains the new folder called Training Files.

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