Technical Support - Detail
Group members can be either users or computers. Users are specified by their login name, and computers are specified by their computer name. Certain users or computers can also be allowed to run, or be prevented from running, JAWS or MAGic through the use of group reservations.
The reservation file controls which groups exist and which members belong to those groups. This file is loaded when the license server starts. For changes to reservations to take effect, the license server must be restarted. The reservation file must be located in the English subfolder of the SentinelLM folder. By default, this is located at:
C:\Program Files\Rainbow Technologies\SentinelLM Server\English
The reservation file must be named lsreserv with no file name extension.
The following apply to groups:
• You can define a maximum of 256 groups, with 256 members each.
• Groups must be mutually exclusive. Different groups for the same application
should not have common users or computers.
• Group names and member names cannot exceed 64 characters.
• The number of license tokens reserved for an application cannot exceed
the number of concurrent copies specified in the license code for that application.
1. Open the Server Administration tools by opening the Start menu and choosing
Programs, Freedom Scientific, Network, Server Administration.
2. Open the Edit menu and choose Reservation File.
3. To make a new reservation file, open the File menu and choose New. Alternatively,
use the Open command on the File menu to edit an existing reservation file.
4. To add definitions for who can use the license tokens for specific licenses,
open the Feature menu and choose Add. The New Feature Wizard appears.
5. Choose Next. For JAWS, enter “00” without quotes as the Feature
Name. For MAGic, enter “10” without quotes. Leave the Feature Version
box blank. After entering the feature name, choose Next.
6. Enter a group name, specify the number of tokens to reserve for this group,
and click Next.
7. Choose Add to add a new member. You are asked to enter the name of the member,
and whether the member is a user (if so, specify the user’s login name)
or a computer (if so, use the name of the computer on the network). You must
also choose to include or exclude this user or computer. Choose OK to finish
the definition.
Note: Different groups cannot have the same members. Therefore, for larger sites, it is recommended that you use uniquely named computers as members, since it is possible that different users may use the same login names at different locations.
8. Choose Finish.
9. After at least one feature has been defined, you can specify another group
to use that feature. Open the Group menu and choose Add to add a new group.
Users and computers can only be a member of one group per feature. Features
cannot be the same.
After you are finished making changes, you must save the file. Open the File
menu and choose Save As. Navigate to
C:\Program Files\Rainbow Technologies\SentinelLM Server\English
Name the file "lsreserv." Choose Save.
10. For changes to take effect, the license server must be restarted. To restart
the license server without restarting the computer, follow the instructions
1. If the license server (WlmAdmin) application is not already running, open
the Start menu and choose Programs, Freedom Scientific, Network, Server Administration.
2. Select "Subnet Servers" and press RIGHT ARROW.
3. Select the name of the computer running the license server that you intend
to restart and press the APPLICATION Key. Then, choose Shutdown Server.
4. Open the Start Menu, select Settings, and then choose Control Panel.
5. Choose Administrative Tools.
6. Choose Services.
7. Scroll down, select SentinelLM, press the APPLICATION Key, and choose Start.
8. Switch back to the license server window, which is named “WlmAdmin”
in the taskbar.
9. Select "Subnet Servers," press the APPLICATION Key, and choose
Refresh. The server will reappear in the list.
10. Verify that the reservation file changes took effect by selecting the server
name and pressing RIGHT ARROW. Then select the feature name you want to check.
The total reserved number should reflect the changes that were made.
For more information, refer to SLM71sys.pdf in the Documentation folder on your
Authorization CD.
NOTE: For Network Administrators who use JAWS, the Reservations File dialog is not speech-friendly. Future support is planned; in the meantime, use of the JAWS cursor will help.
This information specifically applies to products using Internet License Manager
(ILM) based activation. ILM has been available from Freedom Scientific starting
Fall 2004 for JAWS, and late summer of 2005 for MAGic and WYNN. This information
does not affect products using older authorization methods.
Applies to: JAWS