11.0 Using the Virtual Viewer

When you press INSERT+H or INSERT+W to display hot key help, JAWS displays the keystrokes within the virtual viewer. Likewise, when you press INSERT+F1 to review screen sensitive help, JAWS displays the information in the virtual viewer as well.

When JAWS displays information in the virtual viewer, the virtual cursor is active. You can use normal navigation keystrokes to read, select, and copy selected text to the clipboard.

The virtual viewer is a Virtual Buffer you create using the Scripting Language and is a part of JAWS. The virtual viewer is also known as the user buffer. Text displayed in the virtual viewer is black on a white background, has a font size of 12 and a font type of Arial. The text displayed in the virtual viewer is identical to text found in any word processor or text editor.

In this chapter, you will learn how to display messages in the virtual viewer. You will also learn how to create keystroke links within the virtual viewer.

Table of Contents

Chapter 11.0 Using the Virtual Viewer, contains the following sections:

11.1 Checking the Virtual Viewer Status

11.2 Creating the Messages

11.3 Displaying the Messages

11.4 Displaying Keystrokes as Links

11.5 Chapter Exercises


